Effort for understand

وبلاگ فقه و حقوق - weblog fegh & law

Effort for understand

وبلاگ فقه و حقوق - weblog fegh & law

Effort for understand

One way to understand a science is a known experts and scholars of science
We should know how important books written in the science, which is also referred
Science fegh - the fegh written which in that has been compiled books
And the books are still available- has hundred year old history
When eleven centuries ago
Without interruption
fegh teaching centers have been established
Teachers were trained students
The student have been trained other students
Until the present
And is not cut off the relationship Master and Disciples
And that's just in the Muslim world
that science Are vital records tandem and regular thousand years and more,
That hasn't been a pause in between them
وَ جَعَلْنَا مِن بَیْنِ أَیْدِیهِمْ سَدّاً وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدّاً فَأَغْشَیْنَاهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا یُبْصِرُونَ

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۶ مطلب در مرداد ۱۳۹۵ ثبت شده است

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5.tradition: [sonnat] Arabic , ,means in fiqh: Action & hardware & Signature and stressed from the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Imams (peace be upon them)

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3. islamic explicit textShia jurisprudence has four sources ,that Fiqh gain his scientific arguments from the resources. Contains:
Quran (book) - Hadis (traditions) - the principles of reason ( intellect) - the consensus of jurists ( Consensus)

Of these, only Quran and Hadith are verbal reasoning or in other words Islamic explicit text and consensus and intellect are rational arguments and do not follow a clear text.

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4. Hadis: Arabic ,name ,means The words that have been narrated from the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Imams (peace be upon them)

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♦ contract law

◊ xiyar

√ meaning

1. what's xiyar?

2. about Retrofit

√ types

1.session of contracting

• part one



1.obligation on the abstract world

• part one

• part two

♦ comparative

1.implied term or xiyar

♦ terminology



3.islamic explicit text



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implied term or xiyar

so,until now
We learned about the xiyar
But for more accurate recognition
it is necessary that we compare
institution of xiyar with similar institutions in Common Law
And it is implied term.

In the common law
If the condition is expressed in the form of words
express terms called
If the condition is not explicit
obtained by the legal interpretation of the contract

implied term called

If the norm is given Conditions in the contract
Without the parties have stipulated to condition
It is called
implied term by custom
If the rule of law to be imposed contract
Implied term by law called
Sometimes the court's complete contract
That is implied term by court

It seams
Like a train going back and forth between the two cities
xiyar traffic between
Implied term by custom  and implied term by law
Some terms have been taken from customs and people trading
As xiyar caused Defect

And some other conditions
  No exact position of the common people
However, are imposed on contract
 existence Islamic explicit text that valid for Shiite scholars
uch as xiyar session of contract

Such as legal text which has given a series of conditions

Taken from the book implied term written By Hossein Symayy Sarraf

click for see text farsi

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the xiyar of contract session (part one)

We want to know the types of xiyar
The first type of xiyar
xiyar related to Contract session

This requirement only applies to sales contracts
 until the parties to the contract have not left a contract session
in other words 'Not end the session'
This condition remains

for example
Mr. Black buys the house of Mr. White
After the transaction
Speak about an old friend
Mr. White and Mr. Black
  Until spoke about the contract of sale homes
Could terminate the contract
Even after they signed documents of sailing home

But when they started talking about an old friend
Finished session of contract

Another example
Ms. happy to phone his friend
"Are you selling your old refrigerator me"
Ms. happy Says
And after buy refrigerators his friend
Say goodbye and hang up the phone.

as a result
Finished meeting contract
Neither Ms.happy  nor her friend
Can not terminate the contract by xiyar of contract session

Clik for see farsi texts